What do Marathons and Public Relations have in Common?

What in the world could running 26.2 miles have to do with a career in public relations? I’ve noticed there are quite a few correlations. Here are just a few notable ones I’d like to address:

You Have to Train
I’m sure there are those crazy athletic-types who could wake up one morning and decide to just get up and run 26.2 miles. For the rest of us normal (ha!) people, training for a marathon is a long, arduous process. It took me a year to get there, and that was only completing the race, not posting any respectable finishing times.

While public relations sometimes receives a bad rap for being the young, right-out-of-school, people-pleasing, sorority-stereotypes, true PR professionals have received mountains of training. Aside from a traditional higher education, public relations professionals seek accreditation or certifications, consistently attend workshops and read new literature, study the news and collaborate with other professionals. You train hard to be successful in public relations – because if you don’t, you’ll get left in someone else’s dust.

If it were easy, everyone would do it
Marathons are hard work. I haven’t yet met anyone who has said otherwise. It’s physically exhausting and emotionally draining.

PR, too, can be a physical and emotional job. The field is different for everyone, but there are days I’ve gotten home after a long day and all I wanted to do was go to sleep. Many people can say that want to get in PR, but those who are cut out for the hard work are the ones who truly succeed.

You’ll face obstacles that seem unsurmountable
This past race I completed was one of the toughest for me. I had pain in my right knee about six weeks leading up to the race (and of course it began hurting at mile 1 on race day), and about 6 miles into the race I had pain in my left ankle. Each step was a struggle that I thought would never end. Many times I wanted to utter the words to my husband (who was running with me) ‘just leave me behind,’ but I never gave up. And I finished in my fastest time yet.

Be it an unexpected crisis, unrealistic expectations from your boss, coworkers who won’t get on board, a media outlet you just can’t get on the same page with – there are plenty of obstacles you’ll face in public relations. It’s all about how you handle the struggle. Don’t give up – this too shall pass. With the right preparation (see previous note on training), you can make it past this struggle. (See next note)

You get to celebrate your successes
There is nothing like crossing the finish line of a race. That feeling of knowing that all of your hard work has paid off – you made it – and it cannot be taken away from you.

Not all public relations successes get a big fanfare at the end like a race, but you know when you’ve completed a job well done. An event well-attended and well-received, a press conference that went just as planned, a boss overjoyed with your work, a presentation that went above-par. That same feeling of success cannot be changed, and you have a moment (albeit brief) where you get to kick up your feet, smile, and enjoy the moment.

Physically exhausted, emotionally drained, I’m sweaty, hungry, uncomfortable, and all I want to do is take off my shoes and kick up my feet. Did I just finish a marathon or a day in public relations?

Rock N Roll NOLA, Feb. 2014

Pine Belt PRAM Spark Award of Excellence, Jan. 2014

Note: Have you ever noticed that some of the great public relations professionals around you are physically active? It could be a coincidence, but I think there’s some merit to this correlation.

Making a Run For It

Rock N Roll Half MarathonThis past Sunday, I completed by 3rd half marathon. I beat my personal record (finished in 2:22:57!!), my mom finished in her desired time, I saw a few friends along the race and overall we had a great time.

What was different about this race? I, Catherine Lott, was able to inspire people. A dear friend of mine attended the race with me – she woke up, got dressed, waited in the corral, heard the “get set – – – go!” and watched us make a run for it. She then hopped on one of the free shuttles to the finish line and watched runners, elite and slow alike, cross the finish line for about two hours before watching me cross. I got my medal, picked up my post-race snacks and met her where the after-party was taking place.

“Catherine,” she said, “I want to run a half-marathon.”

There are so many great things about running a race, I began to reaffirm her that she was making the right choice: It’s all about YOU; YOU’RE in control; you feel so ACCOMPLISHED after finishing a race; it makes you feel GOOD; and so on.  Of course there’s bragging rights, but that comes with anything.

This half marathon was another medal on my shelf, which I’m proud of, but I’m even more proud that my accomplishment lit a fire  under my friend for her to achieve something she’d never before imagined.  I’ll help her along her way, leading her to her first half marathon, hearing her struggles, lifting her up when she’s feeling down and celebrating each benchmark with her.  I look forward to posting with a great picture of my friend with her medal, with me by her side.

Let the training begin!

(Need a little more training inspiration? I wish I would have been there to see this at the finish line.)